Regulatpro® Collagen 20x20ml

89,90 CHF


Patented Technology by Dr. Niedermaier

The absolute product innovation in the field of nutricosmetics is, after more than two years of research and development, at the highest level, finally ready to refresh the anti-ageing beauty market with a new, patented formula!

Regulatpro® Collagen for:

  • visible wrinkle reduction
  • tightened connective tissue
  • moisturised skin
  • well-groomed hair and nails
  • Lengthening of the telomeres
  • Vitality and well-being


Patented Technology by Dr. Niedermaier

The absolute product innovation in the field of nutricosmetics is finally ready to
two years of research and development at the highest level, is finally ready to refresh the anti-aging beauty market with a new, patented formula!

For the first time, the internationally sought-after anti-wrinkle active ingredient collagen has been successfully extracted from eggshell membrane in a vegetarian way! This is not only rich in collagen, but also in elastin and glucosamine. Regulatpro® Collagen integrates this innovative active ingredient in an unbeatable formula of high-dose vegan hyaluronic acid, niacin, vitamins E, C, D and B12, biotin, zinc, copper, silicic acid, selenium, broken down enzymes and antioxidants together with the health booster extract astragalus. This is how Dr. Niedermaier creates what is probably the most effective and highest quality beauty cocktail in the world!

The patent Cascade Fermentation 2.0 provides the latest type of fermentation technology and combines beauty boosters with the power of traditional health treasures. Fresh, sun-ripened fruits, nuts and vegetables in purely organic quality are combined with plant-based protective and vital substances, which are processed in several partial fermentations so that they can be absorbed particularly effectively. In this way, the luxurious anti-ageing extract for drinking can be measurably absorbed many times more effectively by the body, its cells and the skin. Maximum absorption for maximum effectiveness!

20ml Regulatpro® Collagen daily, pure or mixed, awakens beauty to new life and also tastes incredibly delicious like a fresh berry smoothie!

Skin, connective tissue, hair, nails, cells, metabolism, joints and the immune system gain unexpectedly beneficial youthful vitality!

The vegetarian collagen fountain of youth is based on over 80 years of science and research by Dr. Niedermaier Pharma.
is produced exclusively in Germany in our own production facilities covering over 15ʼ000 square metres.



20 x 20 ml


Morgens oder zwischen den Mahlzeiten 20 ml (= ein Fläschchen) Regulatpro® Collagen zu sich nehmen; danach etwas stilles Wasser trinken. Bei Magen- / Darm-Empfindlichkeit Regulatpro® Collagen in einem Glas Wasser verdünnen und zu sich nehmen.

Die angegebene tägliche empfohlene Verzehrsmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise verwenden, welche für die Gesundheit wichtig sind. Ausserhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern lagern.

Die Verwendung frischer Zutaten kann Abweichung von Geruch, Farbe, Geschmack und Trübung bedingen. Bildung eines Rückstandes bedingt durch pflanzliche Zutaten möglich, daher vor dem Verzehr für eine homogene Verteilung GUT SCHÜTTELN.

Nährwertangaben pro 20ml

Siehe Bild 2


Wasser, kaskadenfermentiertes Konzentrat 25 % (Wasser, Zitronen, Datteln, Feigen, Walnüsse, Sojabohnen, Karotten, Äpfel, Zwiebeln, Mungobohnensprossen, Granatäpfel, Himbeeren, Kokosnüsse, Artischocken, Kichererbsen, Sellerie, Hirse, Ingwer), Kirschsaftkonzentrat, Eierschalenmembranpulver 2.25 %, L-Ascorbinsäure, Natriumhyaluronat 0.6 %, Astragalusextrakt 0.5 %, Zinkgluconat, Schachtelhalmextrakt 0.17 %, alpha-Tocopherylacetat, Nicotinamid, Cholecalciferol, Kupfersulfat, Cyanocobalamin, Natriumselenat, D-Biotin, Lactobacillus paracasei 0.005 %, Lactobacillus rhamnosus 0.004 %, Lactobacillus acidophilus 0.0025 %.

GTIN: 4260084344186 SKU: 2011402004 Categories: , Brand:
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