Beauty Full® 12 x 250ml

46,80 CHF

Drink yourself Beauty Full® – Energetic Beauty enjoyed as an innovative luxury drink!

Sleeping makes beautiful – being awake now too!
Beauty Full® – The unique Feel-Good Drink made from natural caffeine and vegan hyaluronic acid.

Energy can be clean. For this we combined the highest quality ingredients: Fresh, sun-ripened fruits in organic quality, vegan hyaluronic acid, zinc, biotin, natural caffeine from green tea, natural vitamins, a variety of antioxidants and much more to invigorate body, mind and beauty !

We gladly did this without the use of preservatives, artificial flavors, added industrial sugar, sweeteners, animal raw materials, lactose, gluten or other chemicals.

  • Premium Quality: Embedded in our unique Regulatessenz®
  • Feel Very Berry: Thanks to a refreshing composition of real red berries.
  • Tastes incredibly good – feels incredibly good!
  • Nourishes your beauty and increases your energy without making you nervous.
  • Patented fermentation process
  • Plant based
  • Vegan

Recharge your batteries with a clear conscience and awaken your natural beauty to new life.

Beauty® Full is the first healthy and really tasty Energy-Drink combined with Beauty-Boosters 😍

Beauty Full® can be enjoyed pure or mixed as a cocktail 🍹

Beauty Full® is vegan, vegetarian and plant-based 🌱

Beauty Full® is made in Germany 🇩🇪

Cheers & Enjoy 🥳

Beauty Full 12er Tray

24 x 250 ml


Wasser, Agavendicksaft, Kaskadenfermentiertes Konzentrat (Wasser, Zitronen 0.16%, Datteln, Feigen 0.07%, Himbeeren 0.01%, Granatäpfel, Mungobohnensprossen, Äpfel, Kokosnüsse 0.007%, Artischocken 0.006%, Zwiebeln, Kichererbsen 0.005%, ­Karotten, Hirse, Ingwer), Zitronensaft aus Zitronensaft­konzentrat 1%, Natriumhyaluronat, Curcuma, Vitamin C, Zink, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Vitamin B3, Biotin, Vitamin B12, natürliches Aroma, Koffein von Grüner Tee-Extrakt, Schwarze Johannisbeer-Extrakt, Lactobacillus paracasei 0.005%, Lacto­bacillus rhamnosus 0.004%, Lactobacillus acidophilus 0.0025%.

SKU: 6009200098 Brand:
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